South Sudan is a country that has experienced the effects of disasters (both natural and man-made) that have manifested themselves in the form of war, inter-ethnic fighting and outbreak of diseases among others. These disasters have led to loss of life, destruction of property of those displaced people and the lootings of their assets as well as massive displacement of the population thus negatively affecting their livelihood since the conditions are not conducive for normal livelihood activities to be undertaken. This situation has therefore led to severe food insecurity and dependent on relief activities. It is therefore evident that these disasters have gone a long way in aggravating suffering for people and especially the most vulnerable including women and children. The country remains highly volatile and uncertain as to when peace will be restored. The poor have been trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty with no assets and basic goods and services for their survival. Caritas South Sudan is convinced that the risk of disasters can be reduced if preventive measures are taken. However, when these disasters cannot be prevented, responding timely and appropriately can reduce loss of life and harm to the people.
In view of this context of uncertainties and hopes, Caritas’ strategic orientation will focus on linking relief, rehabilitation and development in order to prepare the beneficiaries to move towards development activities